So here I am in week 8. It is quite hard for me to take pictures of my own teeth, but I do try.
After having my wire changed last week, my teeth were a bit sore. I didn't have any issues with eating and continued to eat as I did before the adjustment. I was hoping I would have more pain because more pain means my teeth are moving. My week has been virtually pain free as a matter of fact.
I do notice a few changes. Although you cannot see it in the picture, I have a very large gap at my gum line on my left front tooth and eye tooth. It has been pulled forward quite a bit and is almost in line with the eye tooth. You can see it better in the top pictures than in the front view pictures. My Right front tooth has been pulled back a bit and is beginning to straighten out. My boyfriend told me that when I was sleeping, it would stick out of my mouth a little bit and he wanted to poke it. But now it doesn't stick out anymore. Before braces, if I moved my jaw a little, my top and bottom teeth could touch. Now they cannot touch at all.
I still am doubtful that my teeth are going to be straight one day. Even though I see minor changes, I have a very hard time seeing the whole outcome. I only have 10 more months left. I just am a skeptic I guess. Until next time my friends.